Delgado Winfrey
- Del
Age: 32
Height: 6’2
Weight: 114~ lbs
Pronouns: Any (preferably he/they)
Birthdate: August 7
Casual Clothing:
- A gray jacket over a shirt
- Jeans
Work Clothing (with Labcoat):
- A gray vest over a white dress shirt and a teal-blue necktie
- Jeans
Personality: Socially awkward, easily embarrassed and flustered; has burnt-out gifted kid syndrome and takes a while to warm up to new people; can look intimidating to some
Delgado was adopted into a Catholic family in Canada. During his childhood, he learned to speak Portuguese and French.
After his foster mother died, his foster father remarried, and they moved to Arizona. That’s where he met the Lennard cousins and became bestfriends with them. He moved away from them to Michigan because of the toxic-(*)abusive relationship coming from them once he graduated from college. That’s where he reunited with the Lennard cousins. He now lives in Scamnumfield Apartments in room 519 with his Siamese cat named, Cardigan. He found Cardigan in a alleyway near Scamnumfield Apartments. It took more than a few weeks for the stray to warm up to him. He worked his way up to Site Director of the Foundation.
*emotional abuse
- He spends most of his freetime reading, hanging out with friends, and 3D printing posable figures.
- Has arachnophobia
- The first time he’s been on a plane, he got a little nervous and started to have a panic attack. He also felt a little nauseous. Kirby told Xandra, who was sitting next to him, to hand while he went to go get the flight attendant. He comes back instead with a lemon. He hands one to Kenneth and he passes it to Xandra. Kirby then tells Xandra to put the lemon into Del’s mouth. He protests, saying that he’s sure if it’s going to work. He was then interrupted by Xandra shoving the lemon in his mouth. His breathing slowed. He stopped crying. He thanked them with tears still in his eyes. He also gets nauseous due to motion sickness by going on a rollercoaster. He vomits afterwards after getting off. (“Never, again…”)
- He’s pretty good at voice acting, but he really doesn’t like it doing it front of people because he finds it embarrassing—“No, it’s bad. I don’t wanna do it.”. He can also nail a perfect good New Yorker accent and also do a voice impression of Morgan Freeman.
- One time Kirby made him laugh so hard, that he squeaked. He usually holds in laughter or chuckles.
- He gets flustered easily (either by embarrassment or flattery) and blushes also easily enough for Kirby to say, “That’s it! You broke him!”
- His favorite dog breed is the Shiba Inu
- Apologizes a lot
- Smells like new brand new clothes
- Is gender non-conforming
- Rolls the r’s in “Uriel”
- Would hold Cardigan (his pet Siamese cat) like an infant child
- He’s a flirty drunk that his only pick-up lines are bad dad jokes. After a few more drinks, he becomes emotional.

Voice Claim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV5U3tr9LtI (Jonah Scott)